Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting will be held on July 24, 2024.
AGM Portal and exercise of shareholder rights

Access to the InvestorPortal will be available to registered shareholders from 2 July 2024.


You can use the AGM Portal in particular to

– follow the video and audio broadcast of the entire Annual General Meeting,

– exercise your voting right by electronic Postal Vote or by granting power of attorney to the voting proxies appointed by the Company,

– submit questions and

– file objections to the resolutions of the General Meeting.

To be able to use the AGM Portal you have to log on using your access data, which you will be sent once you have submitted your registration and provided evidence of your share ownership to the Company in due form and due time. Please refer to the information in the invitation and any deadlines that may have been set by your depositary bank.


Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Cherry SE on July 24, 2024
On July 24, 2024, the Annual General Meeting of Cherry AG takes place as a virtual Annual General Meeting starting at 14:00 a.m. (CEST). Registered shareholders have the opportunity to follow the Annual General Meeting live via video streaming on the InvestorPortal on this page. The invitation and other documents for the Annual General Meeting can be found here.
Agenda and information pursuant to section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2024 including agenda
Information pursuant to sec. 125(1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with sec. 125(5) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), Art. 4(1), Table 3 of the annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Documents relating to agenda item 1
Annual Report 2023 including financial statements, consolidated financial statements and combined management report for Cherry SE and the Group
Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2023
Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the information pursuant to sections 289a and 315a of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on agenda item 1 without resolution
Documents relating to agenda item 5
Remuneration Report for the 2023 fiscal year
Remuneration report pursuant to Sec. 162 (3) German Stock Corporation Act for the Financial Year 2023. Report of the Independent Auditor
Documents relating to agenda item 6
CV Steven M. Greenberg
CV Harald von Heynitz
CV Dr. Ashley Saulsbury
Articles of Association and further explanations
Current Articles of Association of Cherry SE
Total number of shares and voting rights
Explanations on the rights of shareholders
Data privacy information for shareholders and their proxies
Form for Voting Representation
Form for Voting Representation
Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Cherry SE on May 17, 2023
On May 17, 2023, the Annual General Meeting of Cherry AG took place as a virtual Annual General Meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. (CEST). Registered shareholders have the opportunity to follow the Annual General Meeting live via video streaming on the InvestorPortal on this page. The invitation and other documents for the Annual General Meeting can be found here
Agenda and information pursuant to section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Voting Results AGM 2023
Speech of the Management Board
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2023 including agenda
Information pursuant to sec. 125(1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with sec. 125(5) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), Art. 4(1), Table 3 of the annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Documents relating to agenda item 1
Annual Report 2022 including financial statements, consolidated financial statements and combined management report for Cherry SE and the Group
Report of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2022
Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the information pursuant to sections 289a and 315a of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on agenda item 1 without resolution
Documents relating to agenda item 5
Remuneration Report for the 2022 fiscal year
Documents relating to agenda item 6
CV James Burns
CV Joachim Coers
CV Steven M. Greenberg
CV Charlotte Hovmand Johs
CV Dino Sawaya
CV Marcel Stolk
Documents relating to agenda item 7
Profit and loss transfer agreement between Cherry SE and Cherry Peripherals GmbH
Joint Report of the Management Board of Cherry SE and the management of Cherry Peripherals GmbH pursuant to sec. 293a of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry SE and combined management report for the Company and the Group for the financial year 2022
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry AG (now Cherry SE) and combined management report for the Company and the Group for the financial year 2021
Adopted annual financial statements of Cherry Holding GmbH (following change of legal form Cherry AG and now Cherry SE) for the financial year 2020 (German version)
Approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry Holding GmbH (following change of legal form Cherry AG and now Cherry SE) for the financial year 2020 (German version)
Articles of Association and further explanations
Current Articles of Association of Cherry SE
Total number of shares and voting rights
Explanations on the rights of shareholders
CV Heather Faust
Data privacy information for shareholders and their proxies
Virtual ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Cherry AG on June 8, 2022
On June 8, 2022, the Annual General Meeting of Cherry AG took place as a virtual Annual General Meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. (CEST). Registered shareholders have the opportunity to follow the Annual General Meeting live via video streaming on the InvestorPortal on this page. The invitation and other documents for the Annual General Meeting can be found here
Agenda and information pursuant to section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Voting Results AGM 2022
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2022 with agenda
Information pursuant to section 125(1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with section 125(5) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), Art. 4(1), Table 3 of the annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212.
Documents concerning agenda item 1
Annual Report 2021 with annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and the combined management report for Cherry AG and the Group
Report of the supervisory Board for the financial year 2021 (as of 20 April 2022)
Explanatory Report of the board of management on the information pursuant to sections 289a and 315a of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on agenda item 1 without resolution
Documents concerning agenda item 5
Compensation report pursuant to section 162 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) for the financial year 2021 including auditors opinion
Documents concerning agenda item 6
Compensation system for members of the Management Board
Documents concerning agenda item 7
Compensation system for members of the Supervisory Board
Documents concerning agenda item 8
Profit and loss transfer agreement between Cherry AG and Cherry Digital Health GmbH
Joint Report of the Management Board of Cherry AG and the management of Cherry Digital Health GmbH pursuant to section 293 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry AG and combined management report for the Company and the group for the financial year 2021
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry Holding GmbH (former Cherry AcquiCo GmbH, now Cherry AG) for the financial year 2020 (German language version only)
- Annual financial statements (German language version only)
- Consolidated financial statements (German language version only)
Documents concerning agenda item 9
Notarised Draft Terms of Conversion dated 8 April 2022, including the attached Articles of Association of Cherry SE
Conversion report of the Management Board of Cherry AG dated 25 April 2022
Certificate of the independent court-appointed experts Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft pursuant to Art. 37 (6) SE Regulation
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry AG and combined management report for the company and the Group for the financial year 2021.
Adopted annual financial statements and approved consolidated financial statements of Cherry Holding GmbH (former Cherry AcquiCo GmbH, now Cherry AG) for the financial year 2020.
- Annual financial statements (German language version only)
- Consolidated financial statements (German language version only)
Documents concerning agenda item 10
CV James Burns
CV Joachim Coers
CV Heather Faust
CV Steven M. Greenberg
CV Tariq Osman
CV Dino Sawaya
CV Marcel Stolk
Documents relating to agenda item 11
Report of the management board on agenda item 11
Proxy form
Form for granting power of attorney to third parties and for the power of attorney with instructions to the proxies appointed by the company
Countermotions and election proposals
If applicable, countermotions and election proposals by shareholders and any statements of the management
If applicable, requests of the shareholders for additions to the agenda
Articles of Association and further explanations
Current Articles of Association of Cherry AG
Voting results
Total number of shares and voting rights
Voting results
Explanations on the rights of the shareholders
Data privacy information for shareholders and their proxies